What Can Ikea Furniture Teach Us?

Disassembled Ikea cabinet components

For many, the idea of assembling IKEA furniture is anxiety-inducing (though I’ve met two individuals who love it). But, what lessons can we apply to other areas of our lives? Let’s take, for example, the rule of three.

When we learn something new, we are generally proficient after three practice runs. I had the opportunity to assemble the same IKEA closet five times, and this concept proved reliable as it always does.

The first cabinet was clunky and hard. I was slow, repeatedly referring back to the instructions. I made a mistake and put the back panel on incorrectly.

The second time took me a quarter of the time. I still needed the instructions, but far less often. I remembered where some of the parts went without needing to look. I made one or two small mistakes.

By the third attempt, I completed it in 10% of the time. I knew where many of the parts went without looking at the instructions and only referred back to them when I couldn’t recall something. I didn’t make any mistakes.

Now, apply that to the workplace for you or your team when learning something new. These are the moments when I commonly see people give up or become critical of themselves or others. Remember, you’re in the learning process, and what you’re experiencing is completely normal.

Be patient. It will feel difficult. You and your team will make mistakes. Keep going, and I guarantee that after a few tries, the improvement will be significant. Ultimately, you’ll learn faster and be a lot less stressed along the way.

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